dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2015

Formal letter to Rajoy (Task)

Carrer Rentador S/N
La Moncloa, Madrid
13th April 2015, Castellò d'Empúries

Dear Mr. Rajoy,

when I speak about what I think about homeless people I think I speak for the majority of people of this country. Every single day there are hundreds of people losing their house, flat... a place to live. How can banks own of the property without returning any euro about the money they already had paid? They have not anything after that so that is when people start being a criminal. Why? It is quite obvious that if you do not have anything you will do whatever to live better and the shortest road to do this is being a criminal. And criminals go to the prison and who pay the prison? Every single person who is legal in this country have to pay for it. I am not saying that we should change the whole system, I am just saying that we could change some laws to save basic rights.
Looking forward to your prompt reply,

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